標簽存檔:workplace lockers



The office is transforming to accommodate a rise in remote work and a preference for flexibility. Many employees are spending more time away from the office, using coworking spaces, and taking opportunities to travel. But as they’re coming and going, employees and other visitors need a safe place to stow their belongings for the day. Here are智能儲物櫃的10個優點是完美的日間使用解決方案.




A simple, user-friendly workflow makes it a breeze for employees and visitors to reserve and use the lockers as needed. And it takes just seconds to在前往下一個目的地的途中下車或取貨.


智能儲物櫃是新常態的一部分。他們幫助企業支持社交距離允許員工和訪客在無需員工協助的情況下自行保管物品。他們也reduce touchpoints-用戶可以通過移動應用程序觸發自動打開儲物櫃門,因此他們不需要使用共享觸摸屏。



#5 Customized

With a多種儲物櫃類型、尺寸和配置, smart lockers can handle almost anything. And they come in countless colors and materials to blend into a business’ brand or stand out with an eye-catching design.


No need to set aside extra rooms for guest items. Smart lockersbring safe storage to shared spaceslike lobbies and hallways so they’re easily accessible.


因為自助智能儲物櫃的性質,businesses won’t need to designate staff to manage and monitor belongings,節省時間和降低運營成本.




From text and email notifications to package sensors to real-time analytics, smart lockers include全自動功能這樣就可以從臨時存儲中排除所有猜測。

#10 Flexible

為了跟上潮流,工作場所在不斷變化。因此,雖然企業今天可能需要日間儲物櫃,但明天可能會尋找新的解決方案。好消息是smart lockers easily adapt to the ever-evolving workplace.使用同一平台,公司可以管理包裹和食品交付,促進IT資產轉移,幫助船上員工,以及更多.


Contact Us for More Locker Use Info

了解我們如何通過一些出色的儲物櫃產品改善您的辦公室存儲和員工空間。在線聯係我們today or call us at1-800-696-3453.