


所有這些運動都有很多東西 -equipment, gear, uniforms, and so much more- 以及它們如何存儲,組織與團隊的成功有關。我們的工作University of Notre Dame’s football teamis a great example of how smart storage can make a tremendous difference in your sports equipment storage room. Take a look at theNotre Dame case studybelow or contact us today for a complimentary quote.

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借用頭部足球設備經理Ryan Growooms的理想設備室的手繪草圖,我們設計了一個存儲係統,利用靜態和移動擱板的組合 - 全部定製,展示戰鬥的愛爾蘭驕傲。安裝基於四個移動係統,每個移動係統存儲特定類型的設備 - 首先是遊戲和練習齒輪存儲。



To promote the proper storage of shoulder pads,懸臂架安裝在移動係統中,允許墊在前後懸垂。本申請允許全部空氣循環與每個墊的傳統Cubby-架相比,延長設備的使用壽命。

gallery equipmentuniformstorage jerseys


Using4張棚屋和金屬懸掛杆,我們將一部分緊湊的移動係統轉化為步入式壁櫥 - 加倍可以存儲在本機中的球衣的數量。

gallery equipmentuniformstorage other

Other Clothing & Accessories

襪子和手套等較小的設備項目需要一種有效的方法來跟蹤一切,所以我們再次使用4張擱置to create large cubby type sections to divide the items. We also integrated clear bars at the opening of the cubbies to prevent items from falling.

gallery equipmentuniformstorage helmetstorage

Helmet Storage

The third mobile system was installed in a separate room and was used solely for helmet storage. The4張擱置was customized similar to the player cubbies, although on a small, helmet-sized scale.

畫廊設備uniformstorage workspacearea


Notre Dame有25名學生設備經理,他們折疊了許多衣物。憑借80-100名球員的團隊,最少的四個球衣,2對褲子,4件練習衫,總是折疊去做 - 沒有空間,這個日常任務變得困難和繁瑣。

To create a workspace without losing storage capacity, we designed a fourth and final compact mobile shelving unit to be at a height similar to a counter. With this modification, 15 students can be folding at the same time. This three-carriage, mechanical-assist system was outfitted with4張擱置,門和抽屜存放小物品,零件,隱藏房間的垃圾桶。Notre Dame的設備工作人員知道他們的學生設備經理對球隊的成功至關重要,並希望他們也希望保持個人物品。出於這個原因,銀行personal storage lockers獨立於學生運動員儲物櫃安裝。

The Fighting Irish Battle with Equipment Storage

The University of Notre Dame, located in South Bend, Indiana, is recognized globally for its reputation as a research university and its top-rate School of Architecture. It’s also known for its football team—the Fighting Irish holds the highest winning percentage among college football programs and has 11 Division I NCAA National Championships.

However, there was one crucial element slowing the team down—less than ideal sports equipment storage. The football team’s equipment was being stored in a small room with static wooden shelving and concrete floors. The aisles between the static shelving were wide, designed to accommodate a skid and a pallet, which took up most of the floor space. There was so much wasted space—resulting in an equipment storage area that was not very functional.

畫廊設備uniformstorage 3.

運動器材存儲解決 - 和個性化

Not only is Notre Dame’s football equipment room better optimized for space, it also speaks volumes about the program itself. The mobile systems feature graphics that epitomize Notre Dame football—close-up photos of the team’s helmets, visual cues to the many National Championships won and Heisman Trophy winners produced, and an aerial shot of the football stadium. To further customize the systems, the company in charge of creating’s Notre Dame’s signature gold handles were also able to dip the handles of the mobile system in the same color. These touches have created a showpiece for the University—not just for equipment, but for recruitment.

