


A Modern Locale for Worldwide Runners

霍卡,設計和跑步鞋的運動鞋公司,開設了全新的全新HOKAstore in Hollywood, CA. They wanted to offer lockers so runners cansafely store their car keys, wallet, and other belongings。Ojmar的新OCS智能鎖使得它們的選擇很簡單flexibility, locker management, and functionality。以下是有助於鞏固Hoka對鎖的選擇的三個主要功能。



The ability to use a smartphone or keypad to operate the lockers. Many runners like listening to music while running. For these people, closing and opening the lockers with a smartphone is ideal, while giving thema complete “touchless” experience.用戶應用程序記得使用的儲物櫃(數字),並提供備份用戶代碼,以便您的手機耗盡電池。這解決了組合鎖的99%的問題。


Managers at the store don’t need a master key, which often gets lost. They manage everything from their Ipad or phone. They canoperate lockers directly from the maintenance app, read battery status, read events, provide permission to other store employees and change the master code backup as many times as needed.


Thanks to the maintenance app it’s easy to assign a locker with an expiration date and remotely provide permission to a user.This can be very useful for online orders to be picked up at the store。Permission is provided via a user code or smartphone permit.


對於有可能easily manage the lockers via a phone/Ipad非常方便,選擇OCS Smart的主要原因之一。它們還會重視用戶應用程序對儲物櫃用戶有很大的幫助,並減少故障排除的時間。


Learn how we can improve your storage areas with more great product lines includingcontactless lockers,移動存儲,競技, & more.接觸us online今天或打電話給我們1-800-696-3453

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案例研究|Wake Forest大學的非接觸式儲物櫃



通過激勵學習,推進知識和建立社區,Z.Smith Reynolds圖書館(或ZSR短暫),為Wake Forest County大學提供超過8,000多名本科生,這是一個私人研究大學的Winston-Salem,北卡羅來納

Creating an efficient, contactless way to connect people with materials

When COVID-19 hit the United States and schools and libraries all over the country shut down — including ZSR — the library’s Associate Dean, Mary Beth Lock, started to wonder:“我們如何繼續滿足學生和教師的需求?”

The library’s shutdown meant students and faculty couldn’t access the building — or its materials — in the usual way. “We knew we could utilize our foyer, which is open 24 hours, for pick-ups,” Lock says. “We started pushing more online services, including focusing on making the materials in our collections available for online request.” To keep providing for the students and faculty during the library’s shutdown the staff set up a make-shift exchange area in the foyer where materials were placed in paper bags for pick-up. This was based on the honor system to trust that people would only take items that were labeled for them, however, when valuable equipment like computers needed to be returned from repair, the paper bag solution was really not feasible.

在關於圖書館長期未來的對話時幾個月 -智能儲物櫃were brought up in a conversation. They were largely considered a “pipe dream” investment. Then, the world changed and in the midst of budget cuts and online requests continuing to grow, smart lockers were posed again as a solution. This time, there were no objections —層壓板,智能儲物櫃將提供安全的訪問權限,最重要的是 - 幫助圖書館進行其使命在為學生,教師和員工提供最有意義的方式的服務。




This gave the library all the justification they needed to order additional columns to add to the locker bank and provide more available openings to deposit rentals. This also allowed for the tech support team to be able to have locker openings allocated to safely deposit repaired computers and provide A/V equipment rentals.

The modular nature of the laminate locker columns made for an easy installation and addition of the new locker columns.圖書館沒有設計標準尺寸的儲物櫃,而是設計了儲物櫃開口,允許租用不同尺寸和形狀的設備,如三腳架。即使有了額外的儲物櫃柱,儲物櫃還是很受歡迎,圖書館不得不將通常的10天保存時間減少到5天,因為儲物櫃總是接近需求的容量。


Learn how we can improve your library with our great product offerings.接觸us online今天或打電話給我們1-800-696-3453

10 Smart Locker Benefits for Day Use

10 Smart Locker Benefits for Day Use

辦公室正在轉變為適應遙控工作的增加和靈活性的偏好。許多員工使用Coworking Spaces,以及旅行的機會,從辦公室帶走更多的時間。但隨著他們來的,員工和其他遊客需要一個安全的地方,占據他們的物品。是10智能儲物櫃優勢,使完美的日常使用解決方案

#1 Secure




#3 Contactless

智能儲物櫃是新正常的一部分。他們幫助公司支持社交距離by allowing employees and visitors to secure their items all on their own, without staff assistance. They also減少接觸點-用戶可以通過移動應用程序觸發自動打開儲物櫃門,因此他們不需要使用共享觸摸屏。

#4 Clean

To help minimize the spread of pathogens, admins can put lockers on hold for cleaning between uses. The lockers are easy to wipe down and disinfect, and optional add-ons like抗菌材料與紫外線衛生help speed up the process.

#5 Customized

With a各種儲物櫃類型,大小和配置, smart lockers can handle almost anything. And they come in countless colors and materials to blend into a business’ brand or stand out with an eye-catching design.



#7 Time-saving

由於智能儲物櫃的自助性質,企業不需要指定員工來管理和監控物品,saving time and cutting down on operational costs

#8 Tech-powered

員工總是在尋找技術helps them accomplish more during the workday — and smart lockers deliver. The technology behind smart lockers supports integrations with other company systems, further提高簡約,方便,效率




The workplace is constantly changing to keep up with the trends. So while businesses might need day-use lockers today, they might be looking for a new solution tomorrow. The good news is智能儲物櫃輕鬆適應不斷發展的工作場所.使用同一平台,公司可以管理包裹和食品交付,促進IT資產轉移,幫助船上員工,以及so much more

So there are our 10 smart locker benefits for day use. Smart lockers can also provide temporary storage for hotels, libraries, universities, and many other places.


Learn how we can improve your office storage and your employees’ space with some of our great locker offerings.接觸us online今天或打電話給我們1-800-696-3453。



設備管理,為了我們的目的是“the process of managing the implementation, operation and maintenance of a physical device。“一個適當的設備管理係統將具有審計跟蹤的組合,儲物櫃管理軟件甚至充電能力。將這些功能容納到更儲物櫃銀行係統中對於我們的客戶需要他們來說至關重要。許多客戶最近向我們達成了lockers使用設備管理功能,因此我們將此列表放在一起如何使用智能儲物櫃改進設備管理。


管理硬件/物理設備電腦、筆記本電腦、手機更多的是需要設備管理軟件的主要產品。智能儲物櫃可以幫助這些設備的分發到授權人員。使用A.NFC,RFID或藍牙鎖, authorized users are able to check these hardware devices in and out during working hours. What’s more is you’llknow exactly who checked the item out and for how longthey had it thanks to the audit trail in the locker software.

Smart locker RFID, NFC, & Bluetooth locks are perfect for managing your device management locker banks


Getting a powered device with a depleted battery is never a good thing. Thankfully, smart lockers can be fitted with允許夜間充電的充電器和電源插座。您將始終讓您的設備隨時準備在當天的任何時刻使用。不再困擾到處遠處的超長充電線。這些儲物櫃銀行的低能量使用也很棒。這在後工作時間為您的設備充電時,這將節省更多金錢。

Charging Capabilities in Smart Lockers



Locker software equipment helps with the management and distribution of devices


了解我們如何改進您的設備管理實用程序並獲得更好的用戶體驗。接觸us online今天或打電話給我們1-800-696-3453。

The 3 Most Necessary Locks You Need Now

The 3 Most Necessary Locks You Need Now

Lock technology has progressed incredibly quickly throughout 2020 and even further into 2021. The functionality that was once only a thing of science-fiction is now available to everyone. From locks that areentirely touchless使用NFC和RFID技術,完全不用電池的有線鎖,甚至隻需按一下手機上的按鈕就可以打開的鎖,這都要歸功於藍牙兼容性。查看我們現在在建築物中所需的最必要鎖的選擇。


In a world where 95% of the population has a Bluetooth-capable mobile phone, the obvious necessity for lock manufacturers was to build可以打開,關閉和通過電話管理的鎖.隨著我們的手機越來越像一個包羅萬象的錢包,儲存卡片、密碼等,現在我們有能力打開和關閉儲物櫃門,而不會在鎖上鋪設手指。What’s even greater is the increased security that comes with a Bluetooth-compatible lock, as the key to that lock will always be in your pocket.

Bluetooth locks in locker room
Bluetooth locks are great for creating a safer environment for all your patrons, giving them contactless options.

NFC & RFID Locks

與藍牙類似,NFC(近場通信)和RFID(射頻識別)鎖通過allowing locks to be opened with key fobs, access cards and more。公司已經通過在建築入口處探索這些技術來探索這些技術,以授權獲得某些人員。現在,我們看到這一創新來到每個行業的個人指定和出租儲物櫃。作為一個額外的Perk,這些鎖是適合在建築物內管理訪問權限, using the same fobs with different levels of access.

Pulsar NFC - RFID lock in office setting
NFC and RFID locks are perfect for managing access control in an environment already using NFC key fobs or RFID cards.


Last but not least of our picks are wired locker locksfor companies that want to completely rid themselves of batteries這類鎖最棒的地方是儲物櫃的聯網係統,所有儲物櫃都連接到central locker management system。來自這個係統鎖可以定期打開以供回後維護或預定清潔, 例如。此外,這些有線鎖通常與NFC,RFID和藍牙兼容鎖配對,以實現更大的非接觸式靈活性。

wired locker bank with RFID locks


Learn how we can improve your locker room locks, functionality, and layout for a better user experience.接觸us online今天或打電話給我們1-800-696-3453。


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Smart Lockers Today, Efficiency Tomorrow

Like any revolutionary new industry player,智能儲物櫃通過許多名字。負責任的郵箱,包管理儲物櫃,智能存儲盒,自動包裹傳遞係統等。但這些名稱的一件事都是易於簡單的;技術先進,“智能”儲物櫃。


Now picture that same mailroom lined with a seamless wall of lockers, smart lockers. The mailman comes in, chooses an open locker that fits your package, and you’re notified exactly when and where your package was delivered, ready for pick up 24/7. Forget about losing track of the keys or having your package misplaced, the locker can only be opened through either your phone’s Bluetooth or your building’s RFID key. Using auditing software likeGantner’s GAT RelaxxorLowe & Fletcher’s RAS (Remote Allocation System),儲物櫃管理器可以重新配置任何儲物櫃並在打開使用時發出密鑰,甚至可以跟蹤該儲物櫃以前用戶的曆史記錄。您可以知道究竟究竟究竟發生了俯瞰整個牆壁及其接口的智能儲物櫃的安全攝像機究竟發生了誰。更安全,更方便,更加寬慰。

Adaptability for Any Industry

Parcel delivery is not the only use smart lockers have. Businesses, schools, gyms, even amusement parks are using these as日使用儲物櫃因為它們的靈活性和易用性。耐用的線路供電、可編程或電池供電的鋼製儲物櫃非常適合那些不斷重新分配用戶的環境。無止境的PIN,RFID甚至WiFikey and lock combinations can be configured for top-of-the-line security. Smart lockers can also add phone and laptop chargers through line-powered, programmable, or battery-operated systems. Modern offices today need to be adaptable, flexible, and adjustable for happy and effective employees.


Options and Customization

Customize your locker, your way. Companies likeSpacesaver誰製造high-quality smart locker and day-use locker systems offer the highest level of customizations. Choose from:

  • 鋼儲物櫃
  • high-pressure laminate lockers
  • 隱藏的鉸鏈
  • 儲物櫃號碼標簽
  • 排氣儲物櫃
  • 凹陷或衝洗基座
  • sloped tops
  • 內部貨架
  • 室內衣帽鉤
  • 標準24“,36”,54“,60”和72“高度
  • 多種飾麵


The options are limitless。Even if it’s not listed, a lock of your choice can be custom-fitted to any locker system. Every locker comes with the same level of security and satisfaction, no matter the choice of door finish, material, locker size, or lock type.

Change Your Space from Chaos to Relief

現在你是一個關於技術的精神魅力的大師智能儲物櫃,你比競爭對手領先了好幾英裏。公司專注於他們擅長的東西-醫療保健,sports,公共安全,farming,教育-但他們很少考慮自己的成長空間。這就是太空解決方案公司布拉德福德係統can help.我們的焦點不僅僅是為了看看H空的空間,您可以進入您的環境。沒有良好的組織,你的空的空間很快就會變得雜亂無章。現代存儲係統的目標是緩解您從混亂狀態救濟的存儲。

So, if you’re ready to find out how much more space and effort you can save using less time and money,contact Bradford Systems todayor call(630)350-3453and get your storage problem solved.