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智能儲物櫃Today, Efficiency Tomorrow

Like any revolutionary new industry player,智能儲物櫃通過許多名字。負責任的郵箱,包管理儲物櫃,智能存儲盒,自動包裹傳遞係統等。但這些名稱的一件事都是易於簡單的;技術先進,“智能”儲物櫃。


Now picture that same mailroom lined with a seamless wall of lockers, smart lockers. The mailman comes in, chooses an open locker that fits your package, and you’re notified exactly when and where your package was delivered, ready for pick up 24/7. Forget about losing track of the keys or having your package misplaced, the locker can only be opened through either your phone’s Bluetooth or your building’s RFID key. Using auditing software likeGantner’s GAT Relaxx要麼Lowe & Fletcher’s RAS (Remote Allocation System),儲物櫃管理器可以重新配置任何儲物櫃並在打開使用時發出密鑰,甚至可以跟蹤該儲物櫃以前用戶的曆史記錄。您可以知道究竟究竟究竟發生了俯瞰整個牆壁及其接口的智能儲物櫃的安全攝像機究竟發生了誰。更安全,更方便,更加寬慰。

Adaptability for Any Industry

Parcel delivery is not the only use smart lockers have. Businesses, schools, gyms, even amusement parks are using these as日使用儲物櫃for their flexibility and ease of use. Durable line-powered, programmable, or battery-operated steel lockers are perfect for those environments where you’re constantly reassigning users. EndlessPIN,RFID甚至WiFikey and lock combinations can be configured for top-of-the-line security. Smart lockers can also add phone and laptop chargers through line-powered, programmable, or battery-operated systems. Modern offices today need to be adaptable, flexible, and adjustable for happy and effective employees.


Options and Customization

自定義您的儲物櫃, your way. Companies likeSpacesaver誰製造了高質量的智能儲物櫃和日常使用儲物櫃係統提供了最高的自定義。從中選擇:

  • steel lockers
  • high-pressure laminate lockers
  • hidden hinges
  • 儲物櫃號碼標簽
  • 排氣儲物櫃
  • recessed or flush base
  • sloped tops
  • interior shelves
  • interior coat hooks
  • 標準24“,36”,54“,60”和72“高度
  • a broad range of finishes


The options are limitless. Even if it’s not listed, a lock of your choice can be custom-fitted to any locker system. Every locker comes with the same level of security and satisfaction, no matter the choice of door finish, material, locker size, or lock type.

Change Your Space from Chaos to Relief

現在你是一個關於技術的精神魅力的大師智能儲物櫃,你的比賽前幾英裏。公司專注於他們擅長的東西 -衛生保健,運動的,public safety,farming,education- 但他們很少考慮他們超越的空間量。那是一個空間解決方案公司喜歡的地方Bradford Systemscan help.Our focus不僅僅是為了看看much empty space you can stuff into your environment. Your empty space will quickly become cluttered again without good organization. The goal of modern storage systems is to alleviate your storage from a state of chaos to relief.

So, if you’re ready to find out how much more space and effort you can save using less time and money,contact Bradford Systems today要麼call(630)350-3453and get your storage problem solved.