標簽檔案:gym lockers

The 3 Most Necessary Locks You Need Now

The 3 Most Necessary Locks You Need Now

Lock technology has progressed incredibly quickly throughout 2020 and even further into 2021. The functionality that was once only a thing of science-fiction is now available to everyone. From locks that areentirely touchlesswith NFC & RFID tech, wired locks that completely get rid of batteries, and even locks that can be opened with a simple push of a button on your phone thanks to藍牙兼容性。Check out our picks for the most necessary locks you need in your building now.

Bluetooth Locks

In a world where 95% of the population has a Bluetooth-capable mobile phone, the obvious necessity for lock manufacturers was to builda lock that could be opened, closed, and managed through ones phone。由於我們的手機變得更像是全包錢包,存儲卡,密碼等,現在我們有能力open and close locker doors without laying a finger on the lock。What’s even greater is the increased security that comes with a Bluetooth-compatible lock, as the key to that lock will always be in your pocket.

Bluetooth locks are great for creating a safer environment for all your patrons, giving them contactless options.

NFC & RFID Locks

Similar to Bluetooth, NFC (Near-Field Communication) and RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) locks take full advantage of touchless technology byallowing locks to be opened with key fobs, access cards and more。公司已經通過在建築入口處探索這些技術來探索這些技術,以授權獲得某些人員。現在,我們看到這一創新來到每個行業的個人指定和出租儲物櫃。作為一個額外的Perk,這些鎖是perfect for managing access within a building, using the same fobs with different levels of access.

Pulsar NFC - RFID lock in office setting

Wired Locks (No Batteries Required)

Last but not least of our picks are wired locker locksfor companies that want to completely rid themselves of batteries。The greatest thing about these types of locks is the networked system for locker banks that all connect to acentral locker management system。來自這個係統the locks can be periodically opened for after-hours maintenance or scheduled cleaning, for example. Also, these wired locks are often paired with NFC, RFID, and Bluetooth compatible locks for even greater contactless flexibility.

wired locker bank with RFID locks
Seamless locker banks can be made by pairing networked locker management software and RFID locks.

接觸Us for More Contactless Locks Info

Learn how we can improve your locker room locks, functionality, and layout for a better user experience.接觸us online今天或打電話給我們1-800-696-3453.