Tag Archives:cold storage



冷卻器和冰櫃提供電影和各種其他材料的最佳保存環境, so they’re essential components of most museum risk management strategies. Cold storage is expensive to build and operate, though, so it’s important to understand the needs of various materials in your collection and carefully plan for the move to cold storage.

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How to Plan & Implement a Move to Cold Storage


  • Assess Collection
    • 識別需要冷庫的材料,並按需要冷庫,凍結存儲或典型檔案存儲的物品排序。衡量存儲當前需要維護在冷庫和凍結存儲中所需的空間量,並添加策展人的未來空間需求估算。
  • Develop a Usage Policy/Procedure
    • 描述研究人員和其他人將如何請求進入儲存材料,該材料將被委托,委托給冷藏區域,在攜帶和流出冷庫時,材料將如何適應材料,以及研究人員將被允許的地點以及如何允許研究人員study materials after they’re brought out of storage.
vapor proof cold storage packaging in freezer room
  • 確定將存儲在哪裏
    • 較小的集合可以存儲在冰箱或冰箱中,但請務必使用維持恒溫的型號。中型集合可以存儲在擱置在小型步入式冷卻器中的擱板或博物館櫥櫃上。較大的集合通常儲存在專用的冷室和步入式冰櫃中的壓實機中。
  • 創建一個搬到冷庫的計劃
    • 與供應商合作以協調交付和安裝日期,並確定誰將負責掃描(如果需要),編目,適應和移動物品。確定監測溫度和相對濕度的程序,並在設備故障的情況下突出的供應商的接觸信息。
  • 優化冷室或冰箱內的空間
    • Adjust shelving to avoid wasting space between shelves, and use compactors (高密度移動擱板) to consolidate materials. The more items you can store, the more you’ll save, both in initial building costs (due to a smaller footprint) and in ongoing energy costs (a full cooler or freezer operates more efficiently).

See how Spacesaver products helped丹佛自然與科學博物館optimize their cold storage space.

Contact Us for Your Cold Storage Needs

Learn how we can optimize your cold storage space and freezer rooms,聯係我們在線today or call us at1-800-696-3453。

Optimizing Cold Storage in Labs

Optimizing Cold Storage in Labs

Cold Room Shelving Improved


The existing lab was processing 7500 tests daily, and its capacity will increase by approximately 50,000 more tests per day when the addition is fully operational in early 2021.

The company doubled their cold room storage by using high-density mobile systems

From Static to Mobile Storage

支持維持能力六倍增加所需的所有耗材和材料,實驗室需要三個compact shelving systemsfrom Spacesaver: one system for materials management and two lab cold room shelving systems for storing test kits in refrigerated rooms. With these systems in place, optimizing cold storage was made simple and easy.

The Spacesaverhigh-density shelving systemsin the refrigerated rooms featurealuminum tread flooringon a “false floor” that is easy to clean and will allow the system to be moved in the future if needed. To improve visibility into the specially treated wire shelving, staff opted for half-height end panels with clear plexiglass extending to full height. The plexiglass ensures that items won’t fall off the ends while also allowing quick visual inspection.

Due to this project’s extremely tight deadlines, our partnerspacesaver.在工廠工人仍在製造訂單的其餘部分時將軌道運到施工現場。這允許本地安裝工作人員與實驗室的快速建設保持步伐。

Mechanical-Assist Mobile System in Cold Storage Room
Mechanical-Assist Mobile System in Cold Storage Room

The resulting layout of mobile shelving on railsoptimizes every cubic foot of space in the lab’s walk-in cold rooms。Staff can easily open and close aisles using hand cranks, and係統清潔和安全。最重要的是,由於實驗室的增加,地區居民能夠更快地獲得他們的Covid測試和結果。

Contact Us for All Your Cold Storage Needs

如果您想了解我們如何從現有的冷庫和實驗室空間中獲得更多信息,聯係我們在線today or call us at1-800-696-3453。